At some point in grad school I took it upon myself to rearrange the fridge magnets into a crossword. It took a long time to come up with a solution. So, for fun, I automated the procedure using C++.

/// AlphabetSoup.cpp
/// Shaun Harker
/// 2016-05-10

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>

#include "Word.h"
#include "Crossword.h"

/// Filter Wordlist
///   Return new wordlist where all unplayable words have been filtered out
filter_out_unplayable ( Crossword const& crossword, WordList const& wordlist ) {
  WordList new_wordlist;
  for ( Word const& word : wordlist ) {
    Crossword::Status status =  crossword . playable ( word );
    if ( status != Crossword::Status::never ) new_wordlist . insert ( word );
  return new_wordlist;

/// Recursive Algorithm
recursive ( Crossword const& crossword, WordList const& wordlist, std::vector<std::string> history ) {
  static uint64_t searched_crosswords = 0;
  ++ searched_crosswords;

  //crossword . draw ();
  // Check if solved
  if ( crossword . solved () ) {
    if ( crossword . direction () == Crossword::Direction::horizontal ) {
      std::cout << "(H) ";
    } else {
      std::cout << "(V) ";
    for ( auto const& word : history ) std::cout << word << " ";
    std::cout << "\n";

  // Filter out unplayable words
  WordList new_wordlist = filter_out_unplayable ( crossword, wordlist );

  // If words remaining are shy some required letter, prune
  std::set<char> playable;
  for ( std::string const& word : new_wordlist ) for ( char c : word ) playable . insert ( c );
  for ( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++ c ) {
    if ( crossword . played ( c ) ) continue;
    if ( playable . count ( c ) > 0 ) continue;
    //std::cout << "Backtracking because it is impossible to get " << c << ".\n";

  // Recurse on all currently playable words
  WordList recurse_wordlist = new_wordlist;
  history . push_back ( std::string () );
  for ( Word const& word : new_wordlist ) {
    if ( crossword . playable ( word ) == Crossword::Status::future ) continue;
    Crossword new_crossword = crossword . play ( word );
    history . back () = word;
    recurse_wordlist . erase ( word );
    recursive ( new_crossword, recurse_wordlist, history );

/// SearchForCrosswords
SearchForCrosswords ( WordList const& wordlist ) {
  WordList recurse_wordlist = wordlist;
  for ( Word const& word : wordlist ) {
    recurse_wordlist . erase ( word );
    Crossword horizontal ( word, Crossword::Direction::horizontal );
    recursive ( horizontal, recurse_wordlist, {word} );
    Crossword vertical ( word, Crossword::Direction::vertical );
    recursive ( vertical, recurse_wordlist, {word} );

/// SearchForCrosswords
///   Search for crosswords with "start_word" as initial word
///   Note: assumes starting word is the lexicographical minimum
SearchForCrosswords ( std::string const& start_string, WordList const& wordlist ) {
  Word start_word;
  for ( Word const& word : wordlist ) {
    if ( start_string == (std::string)word ) start_word = word;
  if ( ((std::string)start_word).size() == 0 ) {
    std::cout << "Starting word not in dictionary.\n";
    abort ();
  WordList recurse_wordlist = wordlist;
  for ( Word const& word : wordlist ) {
    if ( word < start_word ) recurse_wordlist . erase ( word );
  std::cout << "Size wordlist = " << wordlist.size () << "\n";
  std::cout << "Size recurse_wordlist = " << recurse_wordlist.size () << "\n";

  Crossword horizontal ( start_word, Crossword::Direction::horizontal );
  recursive ( horizontal, recurse_wordlist, {start_word} );
  Crossword vertical ( start_word, Crossword::Direction::vertical );
  recursive ( vertical, recurse_wordlist, {start_word} );

/// main
int main ( int argc, char * argv [] ) {
  WordList wordlist = LoadWordList ();
  if ( argc == 2 ) {
    std::string word ( argv[1] );
    SearchForCrosswords ( word, wordlist );
  } else {
    SearchForCrosswords ( wordlist );
  return 0;
/// Crossword.h
/// Shaun Harker
/// 2016-05-11


typedef std::pair<int,int> Position;

class Crossword {

  /// Direction
  ///   Type used to declare if first word is horizontal or vertical
  ///     "horizontal" means horizontal first word
  ///    "vertical" means vertical first word
  enum Direction { horizontal, vertical };

  /// Status
  ///   Type used as return type for member function "playable".
  ///     "never"   : playable status meaning the word can never be played
  ///     "current" : playable status meaning the word can currently be played
  ///     "future"  : playable status meaning the word cannot current be played,
  ///                 but potentially can be in a future move
  enum Status { never, current, future };

  /// Crossword
  ///   Builds an initial crossword with a horizontally placed initial word
  Crossword ( std::string initial_word ) {
    direction_ = Direction::horizontal;
    place_word_ ( initial_word, {0,0}, direction_ );

  /// Crossword
  ///   Builds an initial crossword with a horizontally or vertically placed word
  Crossword ( std::string initial_word, Direction direction ) {
    direction_ = direction;
    place_word_ ( initial_word, {0,0}, direction_ );

  /// direction
  ///   Return direction of starting word
  direction ( void ) const {
    return direction_;

  /// character
  ///   Given a position give the character on board
  character ( Position const& pos ) const {
    return char_by_position_ . find ( pos ) -> second;

  /// position
  ///   Given a character give the position on board
  position ( char c ) const {
    return position_by_char_ . find ( c ) -> second;

  /// played
  ///   Check if a character has been played
  played ( char c ) const {
    return position_by_char_ . find ( c ) != position_by_char_ . end ();

  /// played
  ///   Check if a position has been played
  played ( Position const& pos ) const {
    return char_by_position_ . find ( pos ) != char_by_position_ . end ();

  /// playable
  ///   Given a word, return
  ///     "never" if it will never be playable,
  ///     "current" if it is currently playable,
  ///     "future" if it is not currently playable but perhaps could
  ///       be at a later move
  playable ( std::string const& word, Crossword * crossword = NULL ) const {
    int L = word . size ();
    int already_played = 0;
    std::set<Position> horizontal_positions;
    std::set<Position> vertical_positions;

    for ( int i = 0; i < L; ++ i ) {
      char c = word[i];
      if ( played ( c ) ) {
        ++ already_played;
        Position p = position ( c );
        horizontal_positions . insert ( {p.first-i, p.second} );
        vertical_positions . insert ( {p.first, p.second-i} );
    if ( already_played == L ) return Status::never;
    if ( already_played == 0 ) return Status::future;
    // Check horizontal place possibility
    if ( horizontal_positions . size () == 1 ) {
      // Possible horizontal placement
      bool possible = true;
      Position p = *horizontal_positions.begin();
      // Require blank spots before and after word
      if ( played ( {p.first-1, p.second} ) ) possible = false;
      if ( played ( {p.first+L, p.second} ) ) possible = false;
      // Require played spots to be isolated along line
      // Require played spots match word characters
      // Require blank spots above and below new tiles being placed
      for ( int i = 0; i < L; ++ i ) {
        Position q = {p.first+i, p.second};
        if ( played ( q ) && played ( {q.first+1,q.second} ) ) {
          possible = false;
        if ( played ( q ) && character ( q ) != word[i] ) {
          possible = false;
        if ( not played ( q ) && ( played ( {p.first+i, p.second-1}) || played ( {p.first+i, p.second+1}) ) ) {
          possible = false;
      if ( possible ) {
        if ( crossword != NULL ) crossword -> place_word_ ( word, p, Direction::horizontal );
        return Status::current;
    // Check vertical place possibility
    if ( vertical_positions . size () == 1 ) {
      // Possible vertical placement
      bool possible = true;
      Position p = *vertical_positions.begin();
      // Require blank spots before and after word
      if ( played ( {p.first, p.second-1} ) ) possible = false;
      if ( played ( {p.first, p.second+L} ) ) possible = false;
      // Require played spots to be isolated along line
      // Require played spots match word characters
      // Require blank spots above and below new tiles being placed
      for ( int i = 0; i < L; ++ i ) {
        Position q = {p.first, p.second+i};
        if ( played ( q ) && played ( {q.first,q.second+1} ) ) {
          possible = false;
        if ( played ( q ) && character ( q ) != word[i] ) {
          possible = false;
        if ( not played ( q ) && ( played ( {p.first-1, p.second+i}) || played ( {p.first+1, p.second+i}) ) ) {
          possible = false;
      if ( possible ) {
        if ( crossword != NULL ) crossword -> place_word_ ( word, p, Direction::vertical );
        return Status::current;
    return Status::never;

  /// play
  ///   Produce a new crossword where the input word has been played
  ///   Note: if word is not playable, undefined behavior
  play ( std::string const& word ) const {
    Crossword new_crossword = *this;
    playable ( word, &new_crossword );
    return new_crossword;

  /// solved
  ///   Check if all letters have been played
  solved ( void ) const {
    if ( position_by_char_ . size () == 26 ) return true;
    return false;

  /// draw
  draw ( void ) const {
    int lower_y=26, lower_x=26, upper_y=-26, upper_x=-26;
    for ( auto const& pair : position_by_char_ ) {
      lower_x = std::min(lower_x, pair.second.first);
      lower_y = std::min(lower_y, pair.second.second);
      upper_x = std::max(upper_x, pair.second.first);
      upper_y = std::max(upper_y, pair.second.second);
    for ( int i = lower_x; i <= upper_x; ++ i ) {
      std::cout << "##";
    std::cout << "###\n";
    for ( int j = lower_y; j <= upper_y; ++ j ) {
      std::cout << "# ";
      for ( int i = lower_x; i <= upper_x; ++ i ) {
        Position p = {i,j};
        if ( played ( p ) ) {
          std::cout << char_by_position_ . find(p) -> second << " ";
        } else {
          std::cout << "  ";
      std::cout << "#\n";
    for ( int i = lower_x; i <= upper_x; ++ i ) {
      std::cout << "##";
    std::cout << "###\n";

  /// place_word_
  ///   Place a word at given position and direction
  ///   note: Assumes placement results in a valid crossword
  place_word_ ( std::string const& word, Position p, Direction direction ) {
    //draw ();
    //std::cout << word << "\n";
    //std::cout << p.first << " , " << p.second << "\n";
    int L = word . size ();
    if ( direction == Direction::horizontal ) {
      // Horizontal
      for ( int i = 0; i < L; ++ i, p = {p.first+1,p.second} ) {
        char c = word[i];
        if ( played ( c ) && position ( c ) != p ) {
          std::cout << "Placement error! (A)\n";
        if ( played ( p ) && character ( p ) != c ) {
          std::cout << "Placement error! (B)\n";
        position_by_char_ [ c ] = p;
        char_by_position_ [ p ] = c;
    } else {
      // Vertical
      for ( int i = 0; i < L; ++ i, p = {p.first,p.second+1} ) {
        char c = word[i];
        if ( played ( c ) && position ( c ) != p ) {
          std::cout << "Placement error! (C)\n";
        if ( played ( p ) && character ( p ) != c ) {
          std::cout << "Placement error! (D)\n";
        position_by_char_ [ c ] = p;
        char_by_position_ [ p ] = c;

  Direction direction_;
  std::map<Position,char> char_by_position_;
  std::map<char,Position> position_by_char_;

/// Word.h
/// Shaun Harker
/// 2016-05-11

#ifndef WORD_H
#define WORD_H

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>

typedef std::shared_ptr<std::function<bool(char,char)>> CharComparator;
/// class Word
///   Stores word, along with shuffled version used to define a comparison.
class Word {
  /// Word
  Word (void) {}
  /// Word
  Word ( std::string const& word, CharComparator compare ) : word_(word), compare_(compare) {}

  /// operator <
  operator < ( Word const& rhs ) const {
    std::string lhs_sorted = word_;
    std::string rhs_sorted = rhs . word_;
    if ( lhs_sorted == rhs_sorted ) return word_ < rhs.word_;
    return std::lexicographical_compare(lhs_sorted.begin(),lhs_sorted.end(),

  /// operator std::string
  ///   Allows to be casted as string
  operator std::string () const {
    return word_;
  std::string word_;
  CharComparator compare_;

typedef std::set<Word> WordList;

/// LoadWordList
///   Obtain initial dictionary of words
inline WordList
LoadWordList ( void ) {
  std::vector<std::string> goodwords;
  std::ifstream infile ( "./data/words.txt" );
  std::string line;
  // Read all lines of file and keep "good" words.
  // A word is "good" unless it is:
  //   (a) a 1-letter word
  //   (b) a word not consisting entirely of a-z
  //   (c) a word with repeated letters
  while ( std::getline(infile, line) ) {
    std::set<char> letters;
    bool good = true;
    if ( line . size () == 1 ) good = false; // (a)
    for ( char c : line ) {
      if ( c < 'a' || c > 'z' ) good = false;  // (b)
      if ( letters . count ( c ) ) good = false; // (c)
      letters . insert ( c );
    if ( good ) goodwords . push_back ( line );
  // Sort characters by word frequency
  std::shared_ptr<std::map<char, int>> char_frequency;
  char_frequency . reset ( new std::map<char,int> );
  for ( char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; ++ c ) (*char_frequency) [ c ] = 0;
  for ( std::string const& word : goodwords ) for ( char c : word ) ++ (*char_frequency) [ c ];
  // Create character sorter lambda
  CharComparator compare;
  compare . reset ( new std::function<bool(char,char)> );
  *compare = [=](char x, char y) {
    if ( (*char_frequency)[x] == (*char_frequency)[y] ) return x < y;
    return (*char_frequency)[x] < (*char_frequency)[y];
  // Create wordlist
  WordList wordlist;
  for ( std::string const& word : goodwords ) wordlist . insert ( Word(word, compare) );
  // Print wordlist
  // for ( std::string const& word : wordlist ) {
  //   std::cout << word << "\n";
  // }
  return wordlist;

/// Flicker.cpp
/// Shaun Harker
/// 2016-05-10

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>

#include "Crossword.h"

/// main
int main ( int argc, char * argv [] ) {
  std::ifstream infile ( "solutions2.txt" );
  std::string line;
  while ( std::getline(infile, line) ) {
    //std::cout << line << "\n";
    std::stringstream ss ( line );
    std::string type;
    ss >> type;
    Crossword::Direction direction = (type == "(H)") ? Crossword::Direction::horizontal : Crossword::Direction::vertical;
    std::string word;
    ss >> word;
    Crossword cw ( word, direction );
    //std::cout << word << "\n";
    while ( 1 ) {
      ss >> word;
      if ( not ss . good () ) break;
      //std::cout << word << "\n";
      cw = cw . play ( word );
    cw . draw ();
    std::cout << "\n";
    // for ( int i = -26; i < 26; ++ i ) {
    //   std::cout << "\x1b[A";
    // }
    // std::cout . flush ();
  return 0;
